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Главная » Строительные статьи » Двери, перегородки

What is sewer line repair and how does it work?

Sewer replacement is a lengthy and costly process and usually carried out when the sewer line is out of scope of repair. But you should never fall into a trap of a random plumber urging you to have a sewer replacement just to cure a small defective space. That's why you should always consult a sewer company in sewer line matters.

Sewer line repair

After a thorough inspection, if it has been found out that there is just a minor defect or affected area that can easily be fixed by a sewer line repair. Then after, you have two options: the trench method, in which a trench is dig around the sewer pipe or a trenchless method. A trenchless sewer repair may lose your pocket but the method requires no digging at all, leaving no mess behind. The two most commonly practiced repair methods are described below:

Pipe lining

This technique is used when the damage to the sewer line is puny. During the process, an inflated tube is inserted into the sewer line through the pipe lining. The inflated tube is covered all around with epoxy (a material which solidifies after it has been applied at the desired location). When the tube reaches the leakage point, it is pressed against the sewage line so that the epoxy is applied sufficiently all around the affected area. Thereafter, epoxy solidifies and the leak is repaired.

Pipe bursting

Pipe bursting is used when your sewer line is out of scope of repair. Although, the process is costly and less time-effective it can repair between the pipe lining and sewer replacement methods. In this method, a cone-shaped bit is inserted into the sewer line which destroys the sewer align with replacing it with a new one. One of the assets of this method is that it doesn't involve large-scale digging. However, if there is some severe damage to your sewer then you must consider replacing a sewer line.

How you can ensure safety of your sewer line

The best recommendation to ensure safety of sewer line will be conducting a video inspection once in a year. You can reach out to the best sewer companies by searching sewer cleaning companies near me and you'll get a bunch of professional companies and their contacts.

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