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Строительная информация: 5. Structural organization Considering the structure of the construction industry, it should be noted that it has various structural aspects: • industry structure (two areas are distinguished: the industry of construction materials and the totality of construction and installation organizations that carry out construction on construction sites) • functional structure (implementation of production connections, service connections and management); • territorial structure (taxonomic units of various ranks, starting from points of the construction industry to regions of the regional type and higher, connected by production ties)
Факт о строительстве: Works of art are an invaluable asset of mankind, without which it is impossible to imagine world culture. An important place in this acquisition is occupied by architecture, this "stone annals of the world", in which the leading ideas of the past and present, the collective genius of nations, their glory and pride were embodied. Every nation is proud of the cultural achievements of its ancestors, because it sees in them not only its past, but also its present and future. However, there are works of architecture that belong to all of humanity. These are the Acropolis of Athens and the Taj Mahal in Acre, the Sofia of Constantinople and the Church of the Intercession on the Pearl, the Paris Square of Concord and the ensemble of the Moscow Kremlin.