
Строительные статьи

Архитектура, дизайн, проектирование [53]
Бетон, кирпич, ЖБИ [7]
Водопровод, канализация, сантехника [24]
Готовые дома, сборные сооружения [11]
Грузоперевозки [10]
Двери, перегородки [25]
Деревянные дома и бани, срубы домов [27]
Документация, ГОСТы, СНиПы [4]
Заборы, ворота и ограждения [7]
Инструменты [11]
Изоляционные материалы, клеи [10]
Кровля, кровельные материалы [14]
Лакокрасочные материалы [25]
Лестницы [3]
Мебель, предметы интерьера [29]
Металлопрокат, метизы, ковка [12]
Недвижимость [39]
Окна, оконные блоки, остекление [10]
Отделочные материалы [15]
Пиломатериалы [9]
Плитка, мрамор, гранит, камень [4]
Системы безопасности [8]
Вентиляция, отопление [16]
Стеновые и фасадные материалы [5]
Строительная документация [8]
Строительная техника и oборудование [28]
Строительство, ремонт и монтаж [76]
Сыпучие и вяжущие материалы [1]
Электрооборудование и электрика [12]
Другое [410]

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Строительная информация:

5. Fire protection requirements and protection of structures from corrosion All metal parts and welded joints must be protected by anti-corrosion coatings. The composition and method of application of the anti-corrosion coating must be determined in accordance with the requirements of SNIP Sh-23-76. Anchors of floor slabs are protected with cement mortar according to SNIP P-28-73. wooden The distance from the smoke channel to the wood should be at least 380 mm. In those cases, when the distance is 250 mm, a felt pad is made, which is pre-moistened in clay. The crate is cut at a distance of 130 mm. from chimneys.

Факт о строительстве:

This was aptly said by the famous American architect F.L. Ratti: "In the state of real freedom, which is the Soviet Union, large treasures of art must appear." And indeed, already in the years of the first five-year plan, the Dniproges and Dzerzhynskogo square complex in Kharkov were built, rightly considered masterpieces of world architecture. Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin, metro stations, the Olympic complex and high-rise buildings of Moscow, numerous public and administrative buildings of Leningrad, Kyiv, Tbilisi, Baku, Yerevan and other cities of our country can be classified as outstanding architectural works.