
Строительные статьи

Архитектура, дизайн, проектирование [53]
Бетон, кирпич, ЖБИ [7]
Водопровод, канализация, сантехника [24]
Готовые дома, сборные сооружения [11]
Грузоперевозки [10]
Двери, перегородки [25]
Деревянные дома и бани, срубы домов [27]
Документация, ГОСТы, СНиПы [4]
Заборы, ворота и ограждения [7]
Инструменты [11]
Изоляционные материалы, клеи [10]
Кровля, кровельные материалы [14]
Лакокрасочные материалы [25]
Лестницы [3]
Мебель, предметы интерьера [29]
Металлопрокат, метизы, ковка [12]
Недвижимость [39]
Окна, оконные блоки, остекление [10]
Отделочные материалы [15]
Пиломатериалы [9]
Плитка, мрамор, гранит, камень [4]
Системы безопасности [8]
Вентиляция, отопление [16]
Стеновые и фасадные материалы [5]
Строительная документация [8]
Строительная техника и oборудование [28]
Строительство, ремонт и монтаж [76]
Сыпучие и вяжущие материалы [1]
Электрооборудование и электрика [12]
Другое [410]

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Строительная информация:

In the future, the collective of the rental organization can buy back tangible assets or receive them for free from the state and turn into a cooperative or joint-stock company. In contrast to a rental organization, a joint-stock company (or cooperative) is completely independent, works on full self-financing and self-financing. It itself decides the direction of its activity, the forms and methods of labor organization, the structure and forms of management of its subordinate units, the system of payment of labor for members of the society, and the like. Each member of the society works proactively, inspired, because he is interested in the results of his work.

Факт о строительстве:

The main task of the complex is the creation and renewal of the fixed assets of the national economy. The role of the construction complex in the national economy is very significant. In Ukraine, the share of construction alone in GDP is 8%. The complex covers almost 10% of all employees in the national economy; 6% of them are in construction. Among the industries that serve the construction complex, first of all, it is necessary to mention heavy machinery, whose enterprises produce almost 2 thousand Machines, mechanisms, equipment for industrial, housing, road construction, land reclamation, communal services, as well as mining and production of building materials, among them are excavators, bulldozers, rollers, pipelayers, construction cranes, etc. This industry originated in Ukraine in the 20s. The second most important industry serving the complex is design and research. There are more than 300 such organizations on the territory of Ukraine. Without production of this industry - design and estimate documentation - construction is impossible.