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Строительная информация:

However, there are a number of problems. Therefore, the prospects for the development of the construction complex are related to their solution, namely: active implementation of various forms of ownership; application of modern construction technologies; increasing the technical level at the enterprises of all links of the complex; increasing the capacity of the construction unit and increasing its competitiveness in order to gain a foothold in the domestic market of construction services; active expansion of the raw material base of the complex due to the use of huge volumes of industrial waste; more effective coordination of military construction with schemes of development and placement of productive forces and regional planning of the corresponding territories; reduction of man-made load on the natural environment and pollution of its components.

Факт о строительстве:

4. Constructive solutions The project envisages the planning of the territory with subsequent cutting of fertile soil. The foundations for the external and internal walls are designed as strip monolithic ones, sealed with sand preparation with a thickness of 100 mm. A reinforced concrete belt with a thickness of 150 mm is arranged on the foundation blocks. Horizontal waterproofing of the foundations is performed from two layers of roofing material with waterproof mastic. The outer walls of the basement, which are in contact with the soil, should be coated with hot bitumen in 2 coats. The masonry of the walls is made of hollow effective brick M-125 on mortar M-25. Jumpers - prefabricated reinforced concrete blocks. When performing the work, it is necessary to ensure that the load-bearing bars of the jumpers were locked from the abutment side of the floor elements and staircase landings. Lay the jumpers on the M-50 mortar. Ceilings - designed from prefabricated reinforced concrete panels with voids. All panels are anchored in the masonry of the outer walls and on the middle wall. The insulation of the attic floor is expanded clay. Panels are laid on a layer of M-100 cement mortar. Wooden beam ceiling, beams 160х140 mm.