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Строительная информация: This was aptly said by the famous American architect F.L. Ratti: "In the state of real freedom, which is the Soviet Union, large treasures of art must appear." And indeed, already in the years of the first five-year plan, the Dniproges and Dzerzhynskogo square complex in Kharkov were built, rightly considered masterpieces of world architecture. Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin, metro stations, the Olympic complex and high-rise buildings of Moscow, numerous public and administrative buildings of Leningrad, Kyiv, Tbilisi, Baku, Yerevan and other cities of our country can be classified as outstanding architectural works. Факт о строительстве: Speaking about the outstanding architectural sights of the distant past, we must remember that masterpieces of architecture are being created even in our time. Such constructions of the XIX-XX centuries, as the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the town hall in Stockholm, the ensembles of the cities of Brazil in Brazil and Chandigarh in India, the Palace of Labor in Turin, the Yoyoga sports halls in Tokyo, the town hall in Toronto in Canada, the main building of the Polytechnic Institute in Otaniemi in Finland can certainly be considered masterpieces of world architecture. In our country, as well as in socialist countries, all the conditions for creating architectural masterpieces have been created.