
Строительные статьи

Архитектура, дизайн, проектирование [53]
Бетон, кирпич, ЖБИ [7]
Водопровод, канализация, сантехника [24]
Готовые дома, сборные сооружения [11]
Грузоперевозки [10]
Двери, перегородки [25]
Деревянные дома и бани, срубы домов [27]
Документация, ГОСТы, СНиПы [4]
Заборы, ворота и ограждения [7]
Инструменты [11]
Изоляционные материалы, клеи [10]
Кровля, кровельные материалы [14]
Лакокрасочные материалы [25]
Лестницы [3]
Мебель, предметы интерьера [29]
Металлопрокат, метизы, ковка [12]
Недвижимость [39]
Окна, оконные блоки, остекление [10]
Отделочные материалы [15]
Пиломатериалы [9]
Плитка, мрамор, гранит, камень [4]
Системы безопасности [8]
Вентиляция, отопление [16]
Стеновые и фасадные материалы [5]
Строительная документация [8]
Строительная техника и oборудование [28]
Строительство, ремонт и монтаж [76]
Сыпучие и вяжущие материалы [1]
Электрооборудование и электрика [12]
Другое [410]

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Строительная информация:

7. Technological specialization In addition to sectoral specialization in the types and branches of construction, the construction industry has a well-developed technological specialization in the types and complexes of construction and assembly works. Construction organizations by technological specialization are divided into: general construction and specialized. Public construction organizations that have a certain technological specialization perform the work of the corresponding industry assignment. For example, they carry out the construction of machine-building plants, metallurgical plants, thermal power plants and hydroelectric plants, railways and highways, subways and tunnels, residential buildings, elevators and other agricultural complexes. Specialized construction organizations are divided into separate types and complexes of work performed on construction sites. According to this specialization, earthworks, sanitary engineering, electrical installation, heat engineering, installation of equipment, etc. are distinguished.

Факт о строительстве:

5. Fire protection requirements and protection of structures from corrosion All metal parts and welded joints must be protected by anti-corrosion coatings. The composition and method of application of the anti-corrosion coating must be determined in accordance with the requirements of SNIP Sh-23-76. Anchors of floor slabs are protected with cement mortar according to SNIP P-28-73. wooden The distance from the smoke channel to the wood should be at least 380 mm. In those cases, when the distance is 250 mm, a felt pad is made, which is pre-moistened in clay. The crate is cut at a distance of 130 mm. from chimneys.