
Строительные статьи

Архитектура, дизайн, проектирование [53]
Бетон, кирпич, ЖБИ [7]
Водопровод, канализация, сантехника [24]
Готовые дома, сборные сооружения [11]
Грузоперевозки [10]
Двери, перегородки [25]
Деревянные дома и бани, срубы домов [27]
Документация, ГОСТы, СНиПы [4]
Заборы, ворота и ограждения [7]
Инструменты [11]
Изоляционные материалы, клеи [10]
Кровля, кровельные материалы [14]
Лакокрасочные материалы [25]
Лестницы [3]
Мебель, предметы интерьера [29]
Металлопрокат, метизы, ковка [12]
Недвижимость [39]
Окна, оконные блоки, остекление [10]
Отделочные материалы [15]
Пиломатериалы [9]
Плитка, мрамор, гранит, камень [4]
Системы безопасности [8]
Вентиляция, отопление [16]
Стеновые и фасадные материалы [5]
Строительная документация [8]
Строительная техника и oборудование [28]
Строительство, ремонт и монтаж [76]
Сыпучие и вяжущие материалы [1]
Электрооборудование и электрика [12]
Другое [410]

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Строительная информация:

2. Factors of development and placement Areas of the construction complex are developing in all districts, however, the vast majority of enterprises gravitate to areas of industrial construction. The raw material factor has the greatest influence on the placement of enterprises in the construction complex, in particular, the production of construction materials. The approximation of production to raw material bases is caused by large amounts of raw material consumption per unit of production and its low transportability. Thus, transportation of sand or gravel by motor vehicle for 50 km is 10 times more expensive than their extraction. For the production of 1 ton of cement clinker, 1.5-2.5 tons of limestone and clay are used, 1 ton of lime - 2 tons of limestone, and 1 ton of ceramic pipes - up to 1.5 tons of clay. The share of raw material costs is 15-25% in the cost structure of production.

Факт о строительстве:

The big role of the construction industry in the development of international relations. With the help of Ukrainian builders, he carries out the laying of oil and gas pipelines, industrially built and built for various purposes, both in the countries of the near and far abroad. Economic ties along the line of construction are constantly developing, the exchange of project documentation, construction technology experience, technical means, general production of progressive types of construction materials and structures, and the construction of large economic complexes is increasing.