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Строительная информация: Общая часть Данный проект разработан на основе жилищного проекта 144-24-129 / 1.2. Двух этажный жилой дом на рельефе с гаражом, из серии типовых проектов жилого дома с общими из кирпича для индивидуального строительства западного региона. Украина. 2. Объемно-планировочное решение В двухэтажном жилом доме размещены: кухня, жилые комнаты, прихожая, ванная, кладовая, котельная, гараж. 3. Наружная отделка дома
Факт о строительстве: However, there are a number of problems. Therefore, the prospects for the development of the construction complex are related to their solution, namely: active implementation of various forms of ownership; application of modern construction technologies; increasing the technical level at the enterprises of all links of the complex; increasing the capacity of the construction unit and increasing its competitiveness in order to gain a foothold in the domestic market of construction services; active expansion of the raw material base of the complex due to the use of huge volumes of industrial waste; more effective coordination of military construction with schemes of development and placement of productive forces and regional planning of the corresponding territories; reduction of man-made load on the natural environment and pollution of its components.