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Строительная информация: This was aptly said by the famous American architect F.L. Ratti: "In the state of real freedom, which is the Soviet Union, large treasures of art must appear." And indeed, already in the years of the first five-year plan, the Dniproges and Dzerzhynskogo square complex in Kharkov were built, rightly considered masterpieces of world architecture. Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin, metro stations, the Olympic complex and high-rise buildings of Moscow, numerous public and administrative buildings of Leningrad, Kyiv, Tbilisi, Baku, Yerevan and other cities of our country can be classified as outstanding architectural works. Факт о строительстве: The transition of construction organizations to full economic accounting (hozraschet) and self-financing requires new forms of organization and management of construction, in which administrative and command methods of leadership actually lose their force. Instead of them, economic factors begin to act: the economic independence of the contracting organization, its profitability, material incentives and incentives for all workers to reduce the construction time and increase its quality, and the like. In order to stimulate work, such forms of its organization as collective and rental contracts, the organization of construction cooperatives, joint-stock companies, concerns, and the like are used.