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Строительная информация: Строительство - это одна из отраслей материального производства, от развития которой зависит развитие других отраслей производства, а также материальное благосостояние людей. На развитие строительного производства влияет правильная организация его, система управления, техническое оснащение, квалификация и стабильность кадров и другие факторы.
Факт о строительстве: The main organizational forms of construction companies are trusts and management. Moreover, the management, which is a part of the trust, is a construction organization that works on economic basis and directly carries out construction and installation work. The management is given the right to independently draw up contracts with the customer and hand over finished objects to them, Construction trusts, which include construction, installation, maintenance and other organizations, depending on the nature of the work, are construction, special and construction-installation. The construction trust performs general construction works (earthwork, masonry, carpentry, roofing, etc.) mainly within the limits of a certain district or city. The specialized trust performs special types of construction work (installation of sanitary and technical equipment: water supply, sewage, heating, supply of heat networks, sewage, etc.) on all construction objects of the city or district. Construction and installation trust performs general and special construction works.