
Строительные статьи

Архитектура, дизайн, проектирование [53]
Бетон, кирпич, ЖБИ [7]
Водопровод, канализация, сантехника [24]
Готовые дома, сборные сооружения [11]
Грузоперевозки [10]
Двери, перегородки [25]
Деревянные дома и бани, срубы домов [27]
Документация, ГОСТы, СНиПы [4]
Заборы, ворота и ограждения [7]
Инструменты [11]
Изоляционные материалы, клеи [10]
Кровля, кровельные материалы [14]
Лакокрасочные материалы [25]
Лестницы [3]
Мебель, предметы интерьера [29]
Металлопрокат, метизы, ковка [12]
Недвижимость [39]
Окна, оконные блоки, остекление [10]
Отделочные материалы [15]
Пиломатериалы [9]
Плитка, мрамор, гранит, камень [4]
Системы безопасности [8]
Вентиляция, отопление [16]
Стеновые и фасадные материалы [5]
Строительная документация [8]
Строительная техника и oборудование [28]
Строительство, ремонт и монтаж [76]
Сыпучие и вяжущие материалы [1]
Электрооборудование и электрика [12]
Другое [410]

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Строительная информация:

The cyclicality of construction development generally corresponds to the general economic cycle, but it has its own peculiarities related to the nature of the construction industry. Construction, as an industry that participates in the creation of basic production funds, is closely connected with the development of scientific and technical progress. On the one hand, the improvement of construction techniques and technologies allows the construction industry to perform new, previously inaccessible tasks, corresponding to the modern level of the productive forces of society. On the other hand, scientific and technical progress in the field of the consumer of construction products changes demand, forcing construction firms to master new areas of activity for them.

Факт о строительстве:

The level of development of the territory on which the construction of construction sites is carried out has a great influence on the industry specialization of construction organizations, its differences and peculiarities. In underdeveloped areas, the industry structure is less pronounced than in developed areas. Construction organizations that are beginning to develop the territory, except for the construction of basic industrial, transport or energy facilities, are forced to engage in the construction of infrastructure facilities. These are residential buildings, social, cultural and educational institutions, health care and communal services.