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Строительная информация: In a number of ways, construction differs significantly from other branches of the national economy. This industry is characterized by a diverse structure of contractor construction organizations and enterprises, a high level of their specialization and cooperation. It is one of the most highly monopolized industries in the structure of the national economy of Ukraine. According to the volume of production and the number of employees, the construction industry occupies almost a tenth of the economy of Ukraine. In economically developed countries, in recent years, there has been a tendency to reduce construction activity. This is explained by the fact that the housing market turned out to be saturated, new construction is increasingly being replaced by reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises.
Факт о строительстве: However, there are a number of problems. Therefore, the prospects for the development of the construction complex are related to their solution, namely: active implementation of various forms of ownership; application of modern construction technologies; increasing the technical level at the enterprises of all links of the complex; increasing the capacity of the construction unit and increasing its competitiveness in order to gain a foothold in the domestic market of construction services; active expansion of the raw material base of the complex due to the use of huge volumes of industrial waste; more effective coordination of military construction with schemes of development and placement of productive forces and regional planning of the corresponding territories; reduction of man-made load on the natural environment and pollution of its components.