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Строительная информация: One of the indicators of the development of the industry is the level of expenditure on scientific research and experimental design work (R&D). According to data on this indicator, the construction industry lags far behind other sectors of the economy. For example, in the USA, the ratio of R&D costs in the field of construction to the total volume of construction works is 0.12%, while the ratio of all R&D costs to GDP (and it can be considered in all sectors of the economy) across the country is 2.4%. A similar situation is observed in other developed countries.
Факт о строительстве: Construction plays a special role in the process of satisfying human needs. On the scale of large economic systems, such as a region or a country, this ultimate goal is realized step by step. These stages are related to the level of development of needs, as: construction is obliged to directly satisfy the needs of a person for housing. This is a construction product of the first, highest level; construction performs the function of assistance in meeting other immediate needs, for example, providing premises for production , storage and sale of food, consumer goods and services; production of construction is involved in the process of manufacturing means of production for the production of consumer goods and services;