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Строительная информация: Construction works of the trust are carried out through the relevant construction, special or construction and installation authorities. The production activity of the trust or management is controlled by the apparatus, the quantitative composition of which is regulated by standard staff. The staffing schedule of the trust or management indicates its structure, the number of full-time units of the administrative and management personnel, and the monthly salary of the employees. Each construction organization is managed by a manager (chief) according to the principle of unified management. In fig. 2 presents a diagram of the organizational structure of the construction and installation management (SMU). The list and names of departments may change depending on the volume of work and production conditions. The work on the construction site (object) is supervised by the work producer (foreman), who gives the workers all the instructions from the foreman and foremen (Fig. 3). In addition, the foreman is subordinated to a calibration technician, a household foreman, a storekeeper, and a timekeeper.
Факт о строительстве: Ряд отраслей промышленности строительных материалов тяготеет к потребителю, в том числе производство железобетонных изделий и конструкций и производство вяжущих материалов, их продукция менее транспортабельны, чем сырье. Однако часто выбираются такие варианты их размещения, которые позволяют учитывать притяжения к сырьевым базам и к потребителям.